Creating Campaigns

  1. Browse to your Creator Coin page on
  2. On the Overview Tab, select the edit button next to Active Campaigns.
  3. Click the Campaign tab.
  4. Enter your Campaign's options and settings.
  5. Type a name/title for the campaign.
    1. Set a Claim limit, aka quantity (e.g. for a single-redemption item, enter a value of 1).
    2. Enter the amount in coin or USD that the item costs. To switch between CC and USD, select the toggle to the right of the entry blank.
    3. (Optional) Type any notes/instructions for the fan in the "Add a note" blank. The fan will see this when they open the campaign for purchase.
      1. For example, if you are selling something like a t-shirt, ask for the fan's size and shipping address.
    4. (Optional) Type a note that the fan will receive in the email receipt. This could be a thank you note, a link, or anything else you want to have sent in the receipt.
  6. Click Create Link to finalize the campaign and post it to the Active Campaigns area of your coin's home page.

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To End a Campaign

  1. Browse to your Creator Coin page on
  2. On the Overview Tab, select the edit button next to Active Campaigns.
  3. Click LIST.
  4. Click the pencil icon for the campaign you want to end. This will open the campaign details.
  5. At the bottom of the window, click End Campaign.